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NEXT GAME IS:10 /13/00
APPROX. 3:30pm

The last game was played on 9/22/00, check the Session Re-caps pg. for details.
Future dates: 10/27/00

Greetings kiddies! This month we have our exciting Friday the 13th and Halloween special sessions. The ghouls and ghosts will surely be out to terrorize the masses. Do you have the guts to face them? The garage will never be the same again.

Want to research that new spell or magic item in between adventures? Want to rob the treasury blind, while the rest of your goody-goody group members are fast asleep at the inn? Perhaps you just want to start training in another class during your off time? Well now you can do it all...online!

Individual endeavors and goals are great ways to flesh out your character and give him/her life, but sometimes these individual goals can not be accomplished in a group of four, five, and six players. 1.) No DM wants to single out a player and make it his/her one man show. 2)Sometimes the other group members have feelings against you actions and try to discourage you from them. 3) Even if you do get to do these things during a session, it just takes too much precious gametime away from the adventure at hand. But fear not! Online is the perfect place to get all these things done. If you think you might want to partake in this, I am willing to conduct SHORT side quests and encounters via Instant Messenger, ICQ, or WebRPG online. Personally, I feel WebRPG is best since is has a dice roller, maps, etc. Just let me know ahead of time and we can set up a mutually convenient time to meet up on the web. Be sure to let me know what you are trying to accomplish during this meeting, so I know what to plan for.

Want to go back and talk more with the mysterious woman at the marketplace? Want to woo the Captain's daughter by serenading outside her window? Or perhaps you want to find out for yourself if the undertaker really does have something mysterious in his basement. Let the games begin!


The Rumor Mill is up. It's still under Custom Pg.3, and I'm trying to remember how to change it. There you'll find the latest news, going-ons, and tall tales of the Realms...but which is which??