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News, rumors, & general going-ons in the Realms
A group of powerful Clerics have made Sember Lake, in Semberholme, their residence for the time being. Calling themselves "The Hermitage on the Lake" these priests offer their services to those making the perilous journey to the area. Reports claim the clerics can cure incurable diseases, and have even raised several adventurers from the dead.

The Iron Throne, a large merchant company has been banished from operating in Cormyr. King Azoun has ordered all their offices closed, goods impounded, and their caravans seized. The Iron Throne denies recent accusations affiliating them with known assassins and plans to appeal the decision. The news of their appeal prompted Vangerdahast to guffaw, "Appeal? Do they think this is Sembia, where a bag of gold buys justice in your favorite flavor?"

An outbreak of lycanthropy has struck in the towns of Hultail & Thunderstone. The towns have been quarantined. Reinforcements and specialists have been called in to curtail the growing problem. Neighboring towns are taking precautions against the epidemic.

A huge oily black monster that a local sage has called a dragon of the deep has been hauled ashore in nets near Tulbegh. It is said to have wings despite its underwater life, a tail and general appearance like unto a black dragon of the largest size. When dragged into the air, it revived, reaching out its long neck to devour a fisherman who stood too near. Local warriors and wizards were hastily summoned as it wriggled up into the streets of the town, and they battled it with arrows, spears, and spells. After its death the monster was gutted, where inside were the remains of the fisherman, sealife, and several sea elves and merfolk were found. Suprisingly, a pristine sword of immense quality was found. Sages believe that this is Talus, a magical sword wielded by Nigel of Fairdale, a legendary warrior nearly 100 years ago. He was rumored to have lost the sword in a battle with a Kraken deep in the Pirate Isles. The sword was awarded to Fox Duval, by the mayor of Tulbegh. Fox's skill and bravery was instrumnental in the defeat of the sea dragon.

Citizens of Daerlun & Urmlaspyr have reported seeing an obsidian Unicorn stalking the area. The creature has been linked to the disappearance of 3 Daerlun residents.

Two bodies found dead by blade inflicted wounds have been identified by residents of Wheloon as Zerthimon, and Trent. Several days ago, the two along with others were arrested and later pardoned for stealing 2,000gp from the town treasury. "I didn't know 'em, and I didn't like 'em, but I hate for something like this to happen in my town." -Lord Redbeard. A young woman named Caliria notified town authorities that she ran into the pair's compatriots in the woods outside of Wheloon. There they robbed, beat, and raped her, and left her for dead. "Now we're lookin' for the rest of 'em"-Lord Redbeard.

The Archmage Yoond Salshymmyr has died of apparent natural causes. "Salshymmyr was a powerful and respected man of magic," claim his students and acquaintances. The funeral will be held in Suzail's Chapel of Mystra in the coming days. His death was deemed unrelated to previous self inflicted injuries, the severing of his own hand, and gouging out of his right eye.